Sunday, September 21, 2008

正式搬迁启事 The Officially Moved Annoucement.




We are now annouching that
This blog is officially moved to a new address

The new address will be as below:

Although the new blog is still under renovation
But it started to operate.
You are welcome to visit my new blog
in the new address.
Don forget to say Hi to me
once you login to there.
I hope that
I will have better growth
After the move to new address

Thanks for everyone support.
I appericiate everything from you all.
Feel free to drop by to my new blog.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Conversation at A Local Police Station - written by Mr. Warren Lau

Quoted from Mr. Warren's Blog,
My ex-lecturer in KDU

"Friday, September 12
Conversation at A Local Police Station

Good morning, Encik.
Good morning. What can I do for you?
We’ve come to make a police report.
Minta maaf (sorry). Kita punya form sudah out of stock (our forms are out of stock).
What forms?
Making report forms. We don’t have any more forms at the moment.
How come? This has never happened before…
Yes, but these days, lots of people make police reports, so we ran out of forms.
I don’t understand.
Well you see, last week many people made police report on Ahmad Ismail’s statement on the Chinese. Same incident, but many police reports were made all over the country, and we had to accept.
Oh, I see.
Then somebody made a police report against the Chinese reporter who reported on Ahmad’s speech, saying she played up the incident and reported out of context. Again, we could not say no; had to accept.
Then a few days later, a whole group of people made police reports against a Penang politician for saying that the reporter should be shot.
He did? He said that?
Well, we don’t know yet, because the reports have just been made and we have not investigated yet. Then just yesterday, another group of people made more police reports.
What was it for this time?
This time, it was against a former Menteri Besar who was alleged to have said somebody from Team Rocket went to the mosques to tell them that playing the azan (the call to prayers) on the loudspeakers had been banned. Team Rocket said they didn’t do any such thing, and one Member of Parliament then made a police report against the ex MB, saying that he was trying to create racial trouble by saying such things.
Then yesterday a woman made a police report against her boyfriend.
What about?
She reported him for sodomizing her.
Alamak! Oh no, not another one!
He is a National Service Deputy Camp Commandant, and has been doing it on her for years, around the camp compound.
If she has been letting him do it on her, then why did she want to report him?
Apparently he didn’t keep his promise to marry her, so she decided to report him for sodomy.
Sounds like you have a very interesting job here. Need any part time helpers or not?"

Have a good laugh after reading it..
But it makes senses..